- Powered by Jekyll and deployed via Netlify. I decided to make this move towards this site generator for being in the border of what a CMS is. It was easy for me to understand its content model and how to work with it, despite of being a designer! I also decided to migrate this portfolio project from GitHub Pages to Netlify given the limitations I had when adding unsupported plugins.
New Animations library. I wanted to have animations and I decided to use GreenSock as a standard JS library due to its flexibility and lightness. I had the opportunity to go to Generate Conference (April 2018, New York City) and listen to Val Head's talk gave on Animations and the preferred options between CSS and JS, and the most valuable JS libraries. So far I definitely cannot complaint about the choice I made.
SASS & BEM. It has been a long run since I launched my last portfolio site. Now I can see that there is a huge difference in the way I coded the old one and how I did it for this new site. It seems that I am not the only one feeling this way, because it is a common feeling. Anyway, SASS helped me to keep my styles really organized and tidy. Same goes for the BEM methodology, it makes the perfect combination with SASS, making nesting properties way more easier and logic.
Icons set. I designed, optimized and deployed all icons you can see in this site. I challenged myself to get rid off font icons. I have made use of them for a long time, but it was about time. Specially after the recommendations made from key front-end developers like Sara Soueidan, and the accessibility issues they can generate.
CSS GRID and Flexbox. When appropriate I have used CSS Grid and Flexbox. I made it, because I want to show different alternatives. I have had fun doing it, because that's one of the most values added that it has: flexibility. It's true that the site has Bootstrap included too, but I am not using this framework for the layout. I decided to have it, because as a framework helps me out to code faster without worrying too much in basic setups that I should have if I would not have added it.
It's been a long process, and also because it's a software development process it never ends... I have more improvements to apply and to play with. Meanwhile, I hope you enjoy it!